Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fiercely solitary

In relation to the last picture, I wonder if anyone ever had that sudden feeling of tiredness and apathetic all of a sudden. Call it a premature feeling of being old, like.

In the not so distant past, I've designated myself as a 'pak cik' (uncle). The self professed title came out not the least because of my somewhat-older-than-my-actual-age face, but because of my disattachment with some of the things related to... well, for lack of better term, my generation.

There are a few items in question, but the most prominent one is this fact:

I was never really into video games, and even in my younger days, the number of games (time of playing is another thing) have been modest, and I somewhat didn't pick up much titles. Searcg me, I guess I somewhat prefer reading over stuff from the 'net and listening to music than playing games (and for those two, they are rather modest indeed).

...Yeah, OK. I'll admit that the 'I wonder why I'm into what others are doing' is practically written all over my face, but on the other hand... it just doesn't excite me, like. I was never much of a gamer, and probably won't be. Left on my own, it's nothing to sweat about. But bring people into the picture...

Hey this is another case of fitting in the social group isn't it? It's surprising how I still have this problem, since I thought I've pretty much grown out of it. And it's more surprising how somewhat anticlimatic this whole exercise of writing can get, when the answer came as rather self evident and obvious - that I'm a complicated yet singular fiend.

Welp, I don't actually know if this piece of mush belongs here, but I did mentioned elsewhere that this is a random writing place... so, fugyaaaaah.

I'll go and listen to some music then. Have an IRON ATTACK!:

1 comment:

  1. Heh, intriguing. I've always been a gamer. It's my favorite pastime. Nowadays I talk to people and am shocked when they say they're "not into games anymore".

    One shouldn't worry. People like us have interests that are far out of the standard for our generations. I guess the only downside is that they can't relate to you on that level. I'm trying to convince myself that I'm content with my solitude, but sometimes it really.. well, sucks, for lack of a better term.
