What's the difference between complaining, a genuine call for help, emo-ing, or just introspecting?
Everywhere I look, people are complaining. People are calling out for the attention of others. It's always about me-first. No one truly gives a damn about others really.
We get so upset over what others say. Or do not say. We worry about our sorry life, fully missing out things that we can and/or should be doing.
Instead, it goes on to complain. Complain this, complain that.
We get complainer. We get bloody pessimist. We get fakers who's gonna fake that everything is alright - but they're lying to themselves, lying to others, liar liar liar.
It's not to be happy. It's not to be sad. It's just, to be.
And to hell with suicide. You've just taken the permanent solution to a temporary problem. Well, end of your life. The end. World still moves.
I'd rather prefer to be a resigned and contented person who walks this earth. I'm tired of all this me-first, all this I-should-deserve-it!
Because we don't be giving no more. No more sharing. Only me-first. Oh, us and our petty little problems.
To give and receive, you can't have either without the other one. Bloody selfish.
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