Sunday, October 23, 2011

Fiercely solitary

In relation to the last picture, I wonder if anyone ever had that sudden feeling of tiredness and apathetic all of a sudden. Call it a premature feeling of being old, like.

In the not so distant past, I've designated myself as a 'pak cik' (uncle). The self professed title came out not the least because of my somewhat-older-than-my-actual-age face, but because of my disattachment with some of the things related to... well, for lack of better term, my generation.

There are a few items in question, but the most prominent one is this fact:

I was never really into video games, and even in my younger days, the number of games (time of playing is another thing) have been modest, and I somewhat didn't pick up much titles. Searcg me, I guess I somewhat prefer reading over stuff from the 'net and listening to music than playing games (and for those two, they are rather modest indeed).

...Yeah, OK. I'll admit that the 'I wonder why I'm into what others are doing' is practically written all over my face, but on the other hand... it just doesn't excite me, like. I was never much of a gamer, and probably won't be. Left on my own, it's nothing to sweat about. But bring people into the picture...

Hey this is another case of fitting in the social group isn't it? It's surprising how I still have this problem, since I thought I've pretty much grown out of it. And it's more surprising how somewhat anticlimatic this whole exercise of writing can get, when the answer came as rather self evident and obvious - that I'm a complicated yet singular fiend.

Welp, I don't actually know if this piece of mush belongs here, but I did mentioned elsewhere that this is a random writing place... so, fugyaaaaah.

I'll go and listen to some music then. Have an IRON ATTACK!:

Friday, October 14, 2011


There we go.

And yes, amazing isn't it, the miracle of death? How only after you die that people started to pay you some attention.

No I'm not talking about you, Jobs.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sharing ideas

I'm sure many could relate to this video. About the not sharing ideas with others, I mean.

When it comes down to it, it does seems like a matter of trial and error innit? It's so obvious that I forget about it most of the time (see?)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

When I'm gone

Jumping on to the bandwagon (albeit very late at it), but I'll go ahead and say something about Steve Jobs:

I remembered when I heard about his death, and I thought, "eh, really? Did I hear about it correctly?". I wasn't much of a person to read over the news daily, so I wasn't aware on his health and all.

But I digress. See, what comes next after is perhaps predictable: people around the world talk about this one man - some praising him, some condemning him, but the keyword here is that they are TALKING about him - whereas countless other people die with nary a word being spoken of them, even if their death is what you would call tragic.

Take whatever you will out of his death, but one thing that got me thinking is whatever will happen to you when you're finally dead and everything. Will you be remembered? Or is your whole existence is to validate the living and breathing organism that was born, and then work, and then consume, and then die?

Sobering isn't it? So what the hell are you gonna about your life? How do you leave your mark on this world? Are you afraid on the prospect how you'll experience the magical process of death: one moment you are a living being, the other moment you're a memory?

I think being forgotten and having seen the brute of indifference is actually worse than being hated. Think about it.

Contributing to the world and the live of others is good and all, but I think at the end of the day, most of us just want to be remembered for who we are. Rest in peace Steve Jobs.

Or leave me way beyond empty inside
Awaiting my last day to arive
Way beyond empty inside
Awaiting my end to arrive

Monday, October 10, 2011

Out of Makai

Greetings fellow netizens.

You might know me on another blog where I write mostly on whatever comes into mind, along with some other stuff like reviews, comments, rants and whatnot. Here, I'll be posting on other things that comes into mind, but yet are too disorganized or chaotic to warrant a proper post. Treat this place as the sacrificial ground of the passengers from the Train of Thought.

(suddenly, overdramatic and nonsense, whatever)

So why the name Out of Makai?

When pondering on setting up this, I was actually thinking of Fight Club and Tyler Durden and his whole philosophy, and before I knew it, I was looking around at some picture off the beloved Youkai Christ. There's not much significance behind the choosing of the name really (though I could go on a tangent and say how the release of Byakuren out of Makai after being sealed is almost a comparison with Christ, but that's not true; I ain't that deep yo); I just need a name to tie this down with the monk.

Although, I was initially going for The New Millenium Youkai Christ, but I thought that one is quite obvious and somewhat a blatant ripoff (have a brofist for those who know where the name came from).

Probably the future posts would be more unorganized than this one. Also, it won't be as picture heavy as the other one I think. Also, depending on my mood, it could be a whole spamming, or the posts would have very large interval between them. We shall see.

Fuck yeah Stratiotes