Sunday, February 10, 2013

The used

People keep on saying how 'nice people' ends up getting used by others to their expenses. That those... 'friendships' are at the expense of convenience sake.

Are we all selfish, and we take and take and take without the thought of giving? Or are we stupid for putting others first instead of our own priority?

Maybe it's neither. Maybe there is a compromise to these questions.

But one thing for sure: eventually, out there in the world - it's not about you anymore.

It's not about what others can give you - but what YOU can give to THEM.

Sounds cold? Well, others got their lives to live - and you too. Don't you? So stop acting as if we're not in this altogether. You might feel like you're being 'used', but sadly that is how life is - born, consume, die.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, people get used because they to nice. One of those people is myself D:

    I have got friends but it is hard to keep friends that respect your kindness and well being as long as possible with out being selifsh.
