Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Till when?

I always wondered when is it that you have to stop the things that you enjoy doing and declare, 'I'm too old for this'?

I see it as a tie between these two answers:

'When you're tied down with responsibilities'


'When you don't find that you enjoy it as you used to'

This song is here just to I could use the blog title post... and vice versa

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I consider myself as being long-suffering.

I'm somewhat not keen on grand things. I don't believe in getting something without some sort of struggling or working. I'm not straightforward, preferring to take a path that winds up here and there before arriving to the destination. I can take beatings without any complaint.

With that being said, I'm somewhat comfortable with routine things, and is somewhat reluctant for changes. But on a long run, I don't like being too comfortable for too long. I need some sort of challenges. Something to work myself off; something to keep me occupied. I actually don't think a 'perfect' life is actually attainable.

And yet at the same time, at my own pace.

Ah, what the hell. I'm a masochist (albeit not in a conventional way the word is usually referred to).